Sunday, April 27, 2008

Welcome to Supervisor Skills and Tips

Q. Don't employees with alcoholism or drug problems have to want treatment before it will work?

A. Most troubled employees with alcoholism or a drug addiction avoid the awareness of their health problem by avoiding responsibility for the indirect or direct consequences of the drug's use. Therefore, few will want treatment before treatment actually begins. Willingness to enter treatment by whatever means is considered far more important than wanting treatment. Treatment, which includes intensive education, helps alcoholics or drug addicts self-diagnose their illness. This means they come to acknowledge the existence of the illness and can identify their symptoms. Motivation to maintain abstinence and achieve sobriety in recovery follows, never beforehand. This is why it is considered a myth to think that alcoholics and drug addicts have to "want" treatment before it can work. Most alcoholics or drug addicts enter treatment under some sort of duress. Family pressure, medical problems, and pressure from employers are the most common reasons for admissions.

Since 1994, we have written nearly 800 questions and answers on the supervisor’s role in managing people using the FrontLine Supervisor newsletter. My goal has been to help supervisors feel better about what they do and enjoy their jobs more by supporting a pro-people, pro-organization workplace. FrontLine Supervisor newsletter one of the most widely read monthly publications on supervision in history. Thousands of companies get it, and in turn re-distribute the newsletter internally. My guess is over 200,000 supervisors read it. You can get a free trial subscription at

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