Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Most Important Discussion You Can Have With a New Hire

Congratulations, you had 19,234 applications for the new account executive. What are you going to do next? The answer is not Disney World. To start this relationship off right, the first conversation you should have with the new employee is one that most managers do not. That discussion is, a very detailed and in depth discussion about “Why we picked you.” It sounds obvious, but this discussion would go a long way toward establishing a future relationship of clear expectations that match a vision you have for your employee contribution to the organization. It makes that vision more likely to come to fruition. Most employers assume the employee who is hired knows the answer to this question, but they don’t, not really. Your discussion should be more than, “You were the best pick. You stood out.” Or “We liked your experience and your energy.” Go deeper. Tell the employee your hopes and dreams for the position. Paint the vision and describe the mountain top you hope to have your employee ascend with you. This vision becomes an anchor your employee will not forget. Want more highly nuanced tips and advise for supervisors so they don't flub up and get your company sued out of existence for improper supervision practices? We're now in our 21st year of continuous print--the oldest, most widely read supervisor tips newsletter on the plane.. and for good reason. Subscribe to Frontline Supervisor Newsletter or get a free trial right here.